Avoiding State Limit
Blocks have a limit of 16 valid values per state that cannot be exceeded. This guide will explain how to avoid reaching the limit.
This tutorial does not show you how to have more than 16 states values, however using this method will simulate that!
How It Works
This method combines two or more states in order to re-use and read them in permutations or conditions. For example, a block with the English alphabet letters will need 26 values. You can use less values by using combinations.
The Logic
What your code will do going of by the example above is the following:
1 & 1 = A 1 & 5 = E 1 & 9 = I 1 & 13 = M
1 & 2 = B 1 & 6 = F 1 & 10 = J
1 & 3 = C 1 & 7 = G 1 & 11 = K
1 & 4 = D 1 & 8 = H 1 & 12 = L
And then;
2 & 1 = N 2 & 5 = R 2 & 9 = V 2 & 13 = Z
2 & 2 = O 2 & 6 = S 2 & 10 = W
2 & 3 = P 2 & 7 = T 2 & 11 = X
2 & 4 = Q 2 & 8 = U 2 & 12 = Y
Using this method, you achieve the same results with just 15 values. The more values available for combinations, the higher your state limit is.
How It Looks
Using the example above as reference, your states would look like this:
"states": {
"wiki:value": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
"wiki:division": [1, 2]
And for your conditions, like this:
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:division') == 1 && q.block_state('wiki:value') == 1"
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:division') == 1 && q.block_state('wiki:value') == 2"
What You Have Learned
You have learned how to use less than 64 states and do more, combining states to have better possibilities.
You can use more than 2 values in order to have more possible combinations.