Custom Crafter
In this guide, you will learn how to simulate a crafting table using droppers to essentially create a "custom crafting" system with only one command! Some use cases include: A way to craft weapons with enchantments or a custom name for a server or an adventure map.
Note: The position of the custom crafter in this guide is fixed. For a more dynamic approach which allows you to place it anywhere in the world, you may check out @CrunchyCookie's video on Custom Crafting on YouTube.
To create custom crafting recipes that use the crafting table, see this wiki page here.
For this system, you will require two droppers per custom recipe item you want to add:
- Dropper containing the Recipe.
- Dropper containing the Recipe Output.

These two droppers are normally placed near your command blocks, or in a place which cannot be accessed by players other than operators.
To complete the setup, place down one final dropper where you want players to be able to perform custom crafting. This will be used as your custom crafter.
## If Recipe Matches Crafter: Clone Recipe Output to Crafter
execute if blocks <recipe> <recipe> <crafter> masked run clone <recipe_out> <recipe_output> <crafter>
— input (x,y,z) coordinates for the dropper that will be used as the crafter.<recipe>
— input (x,y,z) coordinates for the dropper which contains your recipe.<recipe_output>
— input (x,y,z) coordinates for the dropper which contains the output for your recipe.
For convenience, you may download the .mcstructure sample shared by @TwigYT:

Note: After importing the structure using a structure block, you will still need to replace the values in the command blocks as defined above.
You may add a playsound command to slightly enhance the crafting experience like so:
## Play Sound Upon Crafting (optional)
execute if blocks <recipe> <recipe> <crafter> masked positioned <crafter> run playsound smithing_table.use @a [r=7]
## If Recipe Matches Crafter: Clone Recipe Output to Crafter
execute if blocks <recipe> <recipe> <crafter> masked run clone <recipe_out> <recipe_output> <crafter>
To take it a step further, you may also use MBE or Fox MBE to give the dropper the texture of a crafting table or a smithing table as an overlay.