Scoreboard Operations
Scoreboards can be used to perform complex operations, similar to Molang. Operations come in two flavors: mathematical, and logical.
Operations are performed using the /scoreboard players operation
command. The full syntax is laid out below:
/scoreboard players operation <targetScore> <objective> <operation> <sourceScore> <objective>
The command consists of two score holders: The target score, and the source score. The target score is the value being operated on, and the source score is the value affecting the operation. The result of the operation is written into the target score, and the source score's value is not touched, save for one operation.
Mathematical Operators
Mathematical operators use arithmetic to affect the target score. There are five mathematical operations available: addition, subtraction, multiplication, floor division, and floor modulo division.
For each of the following examples below, assume that score holder .A wiki:var
equals 25, and .B wiki:var
equals 10.
Operator: +=
This operation adds the target score and source scores together, then stores the sum into the target score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var += .B wiki:var
.A = .A + .B
, and as such 25 + 10 = 35
Operator: -=
This operation subtracts the target score by the source score, then stores the difference into the target score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var -= .B wiki:var
.A = .A - .B
, and as such 25 - 10 = 15
Operator: *=
This operation multiplies the target score by the source score, then stores the product into the target score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var *= .B wiki:var
.A = .A * .B
, and as such 25 * 10 = 250
Floored Division
Operator: /=
This operation divides the target score by the source score, then stores the quotient into the target score. Because score values can only be integers, the value is floored, or rounded down.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var /= .B wiki:var
.A = floor(.A / .B)
, and as such floor(25 / 10) = 2
Floored Modulo Division
Operator: %=
This operation also divides the target score by the source score, but instead returns the remainder after the division into the target score. This is also floored.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var %= .B wiki:var
.A = floor(mod(.A, .B))
, and as such floor(mod(25, 10)) = 5
Logical Operators
Logical operations use logic gates and assignments to affect the target score. There are four logical operations available: assignment, less than, greater than, and swap.
Similar to the above, assume that score holder .A wiki:var
equals 25, and .B wiki:var
equals 10.
Assignment Operator
Operator: =
This operation sets the target score equal to the source score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var = .B wiki:var
.A = .B
, and as such the result is 10
Minimum Operator
Operator: <
This operation returns the smallest of the input scores, and stores it into the target score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var < .B wiki:var
.A = min(.A, .B)
, and as such min(25, 10) = 10
Maximum Operator
Operator: >
This operation returns the largest of the input scores, and stores it into the target score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var > .B wiki:var
.A = max(.A, .B)
, and as such max(25, 10) = 25
Swap Operator
Operator: ><
This operation swaps the target score and source scores with each other. This is the only operation that affects the source score.
/scoreboard players operation .A wiki:var >< .B wiki:var
The above command would swap the values of .A and .B e.g.
Before: .A = 10; .B = 25;
After: .A = 25; .B = 10;
This can be seen as three operations: .Temp = .A; .A = .B; .B = .Temp;
, and as such .A wiki:var = 10
and .B wiki:var = 25
Useful Creations
Check If Values are Equal
If you want to check in scoreboard, whether one value equals another value, you can use the following command:
scoreboard objectives add wiki:temp dummy
execute if score .Steve wiki:temp = .Alex wiki:temp run say Steve's score matches Alex's score.
Scoreboard Initialization
If you want to initialize a scoreboard value to 0, but only if it doesn't exists, you can use scoreboard players add <score holder> <objective> 0
. It will set the value to 0, if it doesn't exist on the entity and do nothing, if it already exist.