Movement Detections
Sourced by the Bedrock Commands Community (BCC) Discord
Image Credits: Unofficial Minecraft Wiki - CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
These command-techniques allow you to detect certain player/entity 'states' and subsequently execute your desired commands.
Note: For a more performant and high-accuracy approach, it is advisable to use Animation Controllers
This technique allows you to detect when your target is/isn't moving, accounting for even subtle movements.
Known Issues:
- Does not account for movement while the spyglass is zoomed in or when Slowness Level 6 or higher is in effect.
- Jumping causes the detection to trigger twice.
- Make sure you add the
scoreboard objective:/scoreboard objectives add wiki:q.is_moving dummy
## Movement Detection
### Mark as not moving
execute as @a at @s positioned ~~10000~ if entity @e[type=leash_knot,r=0.1252] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_moving 0
### Mark as moving
execute as @a at @s positioned ~~10000~ unless entity @e[type=leash_knot, r=0.1252] run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_moving 1
## Update Point
### Delete previous point
execute as @e[type=leash_knot] at @s unless entity @s[y=-80, dy=9974] run kill @s
### Mark current point
execute at @a positioned ~~10000~ run summon leash_knot ~~~
## Your Commands Here (Examples)
execute as @a[scores=wiki:q.is_moving=0}] run say I'm not moving
execute as @a[scores=wiki:q.is_moving=1}] run say I started moving
execute as @a[scores=wiki:q.is_moving=1..}] run say I'm still moving
It is a requirement to follow this same sequence and properly apply the scores
selector argument as shown for your desired commands.
target is not
target started moving. (used for 'trigger' actions)wiki:q.is_moving=1..
target is still moving. (used for repeating actions)
Purpose of Each Command:
- Command 1: If there is a Leash Knot above them, it means they have not moved from their "point" from the previous game-tick. Marking them as not moving (0)
- Leash Knot is a Vanilla entity with anti-gravity behaviour which serves as a static entity for this system.
- Command 2: If there isn't a Leash Knot above them, it means they have displaced from their "point" from the previous game-tick. Marking them as moving (1) by adding a score.
- The score will keep incrementing if they keep moving without pause. Allowing us to use single-execution commands each time they start moving.
- Command 3: We need to delete all previous "points" (kill old Leash Knots) to minimise entity lag. We will also avoid affecting any Leash Knots below the ~10000 height not involved in this system.
- we are using the volume filter instead of a simple name filter to do that, because Leash Knots cannot be named.
- Command 4: We will summon a new Leash Knot ~10000 blocks above the player to mark the point they are currently at, which we will test-for in command 1 & 2, in the next game tick. (when this command block chain loops/repeats)
- Command 5, 6, 7: These are example commands (for each state) which can be modified / expanded.
Differentiating Walking And Sprinting
If you desperately need to detect walking and sprinting separately solely using commands, you may use this technique below.
Known Issue:
Walk/Sprint Detection may not work as intended with effects & enchantments.
## Movement Detection
### Mark as not moving
execute as @a at @s positioned ~~10000~ if entity @e[type=leash_knot,r=0.1252] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_moving 0
### Mark as moving
execute as @a at @s positioned ~~10000~ unless entity @e[type=leash_knot,r=0.1252] run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_moving 1
## Walk Detection
### Mark as not walking
scoreboard players set @a wiki:q.is_walking 0
### Mark as walking
execute as @a at @s positioned ~~10000~ if entity @e[type=leash_knot,rm=0.21585,r=0.2805] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_walking 1
## Sprint Detection
### Mark as not sprinting
scoreboard players set @a wiki:q.is_sprinting 0
### Mark as sprinting
execute as @a at @s positioned ~~10000~ if entity @e[type=leash_knot, rm=0.2806,r=0.9] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_sprinting 1
## Update Point
### Delete previous point
execute as @e[type=leash_knot] at @s unless entity @s[y=-80,dy=9974] run kill @s
### Mark current point
execute at @a positioned ~~10000~ run summon leash_knot ~~~
## Your Commands Here (Examples)
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_walking=0}] run say I'm not walking
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_walking=1}] run say I'm walking
All the commands function the same way as explained previously. The only difference being the values used in the distance arguments r
& rm
for the walk/sprint detection commands.
Calculation for the values are given below:
Movement Type | Average Speed in m/s (blocks per second) | Average Speed (blocks per game tick) |
Walking | 4.317 m/s | 4.317 / 20 = 0.21585 |
Sprinting | 5.612 m/s | 5.612 / 20 = 0.28060 |
Sprint-Jumping | 7.127 m/s | 7.127 / 20 = 0.35635 |
Note: We will not be able to properly use single-execution commands from the walk/sprint detection due to their varying speed. Hence, the commands for the two will be a bit simpler. Also note that jumping while walking has a speed that fluctuates between that of walk and sprint.
- Walk Detection Commands:
- The player is marked as not walking (0) by default.
- The player is marked as walking (1) if their displacement is between
is just below sprinting speed.
- Sprint Detection Commands:
- The player is marked as not sprinting (0) by default.
- The player is marked as sprinting (1) if their displacement is between
blocks.- Change the value from
if you wish to separate sprint-jumping from sprinting despite its fluctuating speed.
- Change the value from
This technique allows you to detect when the player is/isn't sleeping.
Note: When sleeping, the player's hitbox is reduced to 0.2 blocks.
- Make sure you add the
scoreboard objective:/scoreboard objectives add wiki:wiki:q.is_sleeping dummy
## Sleep Detection
### Mark as not sleeping
execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=~0.3, dy=0] scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_sleeping 0
### Mark as sleeping
execute as @a at @s unless entity @s[y=~0.3, dy=0] run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_sleeping 1
## Your Commands Here (Examples)
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_sleeping=0}] run say I'm not sleeping
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_sleeping=1}] run say I started sleeping
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_sleeping=1..}] run say I'm still sleeping
It is a requirement to follow this same sequence and properly apply the scores
selector argument as shown for your desired commands.
player is not
player started sleeping. (used for 'trigger' actions)wiki:q.is_sleeping=1..
player is still sleeping. (used for repeating actions)
Purpose of Each Command:
- Command 1: If the player's hitbox is higher than 0.2 blocks, we mark them as not sleeping (0)
- Command 2: If the player's hitbox is not higher than 0.2 blocks, we mark them as sleeping (1) by adding a score.
- The score will keep incrementing if they don't stop sleeping. Allowing us to use single-execution commands each time they start sleeping.
- Command 3, 4, 5: These are example commands (for each state) which can be modified / expanded.
This technique allows you to detect when the player is/isn't sneaking.
Thanks to the introduction of Short Sneaking parity in 1.20.10 which reduces the player hitbox to 1.5 blocks when sneaking, making a proper sneak-detection using just commands is now possible which previously required add-on assistance.
- Make sure you add the
scoreboard objective:/scoreboard objectives add wiki:wiki:q.is_sneaking dummy
## Sneak Detection
### Mark as not sneaking
execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=~1.5, dy=0] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_sneaking 0
### Mark as sneaking
execute as @a at @s unless entity @s[y=~1.5, dy=0] if entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_sneaking 1
## Your Commands Here (Examples)
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_sneaking=0}] run say I'm not sneaking
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_sneaking=1}] run say I started sneaking
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_sneaking=1..}] run say I'm still sneaking
It is a requirement to follow this same sequence and properly apply the scores
selector argument as shown for your desired commands.
player is not
player started sneaking. (used for 'trigger' actions)wiki:q.is_sneaking=1..
player is still sneaking. (used for repeating actions)
Purpose of Each Command:
- Command 1: If the player's hitbox is higher than 1.4 blocks, we mark them as not sneaking (0)
- Command 2: If the player's hitbox is not higher than 1.4 blocks, we mark them as sneaking (1) by adding a score.
- The score will keep incrementing if they don't stop sneaking. Allowing us to use single-execution commands each time they start sneaking.
- To prevent false-triggers when sleeping or crawling, we will also require their hitbox to be higher than 0.6 blocks.
- Command 3, 4, 5: These are example commands (for each state) which can be modified / expanded.
This technique allows you to detect when the player is/isn't crawling.
Note: When crawling, the player's hitbox is reduced to 0.6 blocks.
Known Issue:
Swimming in water or gliding with Elytra will be detected as crawling.
- Make sure you add the
scoreboard objective:/scoreboard objectives add wiki:wiki:q.is_crawling dummy
## Crawl Detection
### Mark as not crawling
execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_crawling 0
### Mark as crawling
execute as @a at @s unless entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] if entity @s[y=~0.3, dy=0] run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_crawling 1
## Your Commands Here (Examples)
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_crawling=0}] run say I'm not crawling
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_crawling=1}] run say I started crawling
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_crawling=1..}] run say I'm still crawling
It is a requirement to follow this same sequence and properly apply the scores
selector argument as shown for your desired commands.
player is not
player started crawling. (used for 'trigger' actions)wiki:q.is_crawling=1..
player is still crawling. (used for repeating actions)
Purpose of Each Command:
- Command 1: If the player's hitbox is higher than 0.6 blocks, we mark them as not crawling (0)
- Command 2: If the player's hitbox is not higher than 0.6 blocks, we mark them as crawling (1) by adding a score.
- The score will keep incrementing if they don't stop crawling. Allowing us to use single-execution commands each time they start crawling.
- To prevent false-triggers when sleeping, we will require their hitbox to be higher than 0.2 blocks.
- Command 3, 4, 5: These are example commands (for each state) which can be modified / expanded.
Differentiating Crawling, Gliding And Swimming
If you desperately need to detect all three states separately solely using commands, you may use this technique below.
Known Issues:
- Gliding while touching the ground/ceiling or crashing straight into a wall will be detected as crawling.
- Crawling from absolute corner of a block while wearing an Elytra, with no adjacent blocks above or below, will be detected as gliding.
- Swimming in a waterlogged block under another waterlogged block will be detected as crawling.
## Set Player States
### Not gliding
execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_gliding 0
### Not crawling
execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_crawling 0
### Not swimming
execute as @a at @s if entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] run scoreboard players set @s wiki:q.is_swimming 0
## Detect Player States
### Gliding
execute as @a[hasitem={item=elytra,location=slot.armor.chest}] at @s unless entity @s[y=~0.7,dy=0] if entity @s[y=~0.3,dy=0] if block ~~1.01~ air if block ~~-0.01~ air rotated ~ 0 if block ^^1.01^-1 air if block ^^-0.01^-1 air if block ^^1.01^1 air if block ^^-0.01^1 air run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_gliding 1
### Crawling
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_gliding=0}] at @s unless entity @s[y=~0.7,dy=0] if entity @s[y=~0.3,dy=0] unless block ~~~ water unless block ~~1.01~ water run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_crawling 1
### Swimming
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_gliding=0,wiki:q.is_crawling=0}] at @s unless entity @s[y=~0.7, dy=0] if entity @s[y=~0.3,dy=0] run scoreboard players add @s wiki:q.is_swimming 1
## Your Commands Here (Examples)
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_swimming=0}] run say I'm not swimming
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_crawling=1}] run say I started crawling
execute as @a[scores={wiki:q.is_gliding=1..}] run say I'm still gliding
Purpose of Each Command:
- Command 1, 2, 3: If the player's hitbox is higher than 0.6 blocks, we mark them as not gliding/crawling/swimming (0)
- Command 4: If the player's hitbox is not higher than 0.6 blocks, has equiped an elytra, and has no blocks above/below their head/chest/feet, we mark them as gliding (1) by adding a score.
- The score will keep incrementing if they don't stop gliding. Allowing us to use single-execution commands each time they start gliding. We will employ the same for crawling/gliding.
- To prevent false-triggers when sleeping, we will also require their hitbox to be higher than 0.2 blocks. We will employ the same for crawling/gliding.
- Command 5: If the player's hitbox is not higher than 0.6 blocks, is not gliding, and has no water above/below them, we mark them as crawling (1) by adding a score.
- Command 6: If the player's hitbox is not higher than 0.6 blocks, is not gliding or crawling, we mark them as swimming (1) by adding a score.
- Command 7, 8, 9: These are example commands (for each state) which can be modified / expanded.
Folder Structure
If you are working with functions, your folder structure may look something like this:
- 📝is_moving.mcfunction
- 📝is_sleeping.mcfunction
- 📝is_crawling.mcfunction
- 📝tick.json
- 📝manifest.json
- 🖼️pack_icon.png