Non-Mob Runtime Identifiers

Last updated for 1.19.10

Non-mobs are unconventional entities used for gameplay or utility. Some examples include projectiles, transportation entities, and entities standing in for blocks. Attributes of these runtime identifiers are often radically different from normal entities. Their special attributes may prove useful in some situations.


Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:arrowNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:thrown_tridentNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:splash_potion & minecraft:lingering_potionNone⚠️Projectile
minecraft:llama_spit⚠️None⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:fireball⚠️None⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:small_fireballNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:shulker_bulletNone⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:dragon_fireballNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:wither_skull & minecraft:wither_skull_dangerous⚠️None⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:fishing_hook🐛None⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:boat & minecraft:chest_boat⚠️Structural integrity⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:minecart & Variants⚠️Structural integrity⚠️⚠️⚠️Rail
minecraft:balloon⚠️None⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:tntNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:armor_standStructural integrity⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:painting⚠️None⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:falling_blockNone⚠️⚠️⚠️🐛Targeted surface
minecraft:ender_crystalNone⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:chalkboardHealth⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:tripod_cameraHealth⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:area_effect_cloudNoneTargeted surface
minecraft:lightning_boltNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:evocation_fangNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:itemItem⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:xp_orbNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:fireworks_rocketNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:eye_of_ender_signalNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:elder_guardian_ghost⚠️HealthTargeted surface
minecraft:npcHealth⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:agent⚠️Health⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:shieldHealth⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds
minecraft:splash_potion & minecraft:lingering_potion
minecraft:wither_skull & minecraft:wither_skull_dangerous
minecraft:boat & minecraft:chest_boat⚠️
minecraft:minecart & Variants

Attribute Definitions & Section Information

These definitions are used throughout this document to describe some aspect of the behavior of an entity using the runtime identifier in question. Assigned to each is a value and (possibly) additional notes. Notes are used to highlight conditions on and anomalies with the associated definition.

Most attributes use emojis for terseness and readability:

The attribute is generally active or usable on entities using this runtime identifier. Additional notes may be used for clarifications, specifics, or especially extreme circumstances in which this attribute may be unusable.
The attribute is conditionally active or usable on entities using this runtime identifier. Attributes marked with a warning may require special handling. Additional notes specify exceptions and specifics.
The attribute is inactive or unusable on entities using this runtime identifier. If necessary, additional notes will clarify how the entity handles the attribute. Attributes with especially impractical or narrow conditions may also be marked as unusable; additional notes in this case will specify such conditions.
The behavior of the attribute is unknown or not understood in the context of this runtime identifier.
The attribute currently causes a crash or other bug to occur when active or used on an entity using this runtime identifier. Additional notes describe the nature and conditions of the bug.

NBT Extensions

When present, this section lists NBT fields used by entities with this runtime identifier that aren’t used by other entities. In most cases, the nature of these NBT fields is noted in the general notes of the runtime identifier.

Notable Queries

When Molang queries would have behaviors very specific to this runtime identifier, this section will be given. The queries thoroughly explain return values. All notable queries in this document are usable on both the client and the server.

Hardcoded Variables

Molang variables that are bound to specific runtime identifiers in a hardcoded fashion are listed here. In other contexts, without proper declaration, the variables would be undefined. All hardcoded variables in this document are usable on both the client and the server. In all but one case (v.armor_stand.pose_index on minecraft:armor_stand), the variables available to custom entities are generally worthless.


Particle and sound effects bound to entities in a hardcoded manner are described in this optional section. In all but one case (the particle effect on minecraft:fireworks_rocket), the effects can nevertheless be configured by editing the associated data-driven particle or sound effects definitions.

Server Attributes

Server attributes dictate the core behavior of an entity for the sake of gameplay. These attributes are not presentational in nature, instead affecting canonical information about an entity on the server, such as position, state, and interactions.

Registered An entity using this runtime identifier is considered “registered” if it is available to be targeted using the type command selector argument and spawned via /summon (assuming is_summonable is true). Regardless of this attribute, the spawn egg will still be available and usable if is_spawnable is true.

Configurable behaviors If usable, the entity may employ universal entity behaviors, such as minecraft:behavior.panic.

Configurable collision box The provided minecraft:collision_box values are used if this attribute is active. Some runtime identifiers enforce a hardcoded collision box or even modify how the collision box values are interpreted.

Configurable block collision When this attribute is active, the value of minecraft:physics’s has_collision is respected. The existence of minecraft:projectile on some runtime identifiers causes this attribute to be overridden; in these cases, this attribute is still flagged as active.

Configurable gravity When this attribute is active, the value of minecraft:physics’s has_gravity is respected. All entities, even those that would not have configurable gravity, may declare the minecraft:projectile component with a non-0 gravity value to opt-in to simulated gravity, even if “Can be projectile” is flagged as inactive. Note, however, that projectile gravity cannot be made to imitate regular gravity one-to-one. While minecraft:buoyant’s apply_gravity field being true normally alters gravity on entities, it cannot be set to add gravity on entities for which this attribute is marked as inactive.

Configurable entity pushability When this attribute is active, the value of minecraft:pushable’s is_pushable is generally respected. If minecraft:projectile is declared, the entity will be forced to respect is_pushable even if this attribute is inactive and even if the “Can be projectile” attribute is flagged as inactive; in these cases, this attribute will still be flagged as inactive.

Configurable piston pushability When this attribute is active, the value of minecraft:pushable’s is_pushable_by_piston is respected.

Can be portaled By default, minecraft:portal and minecraft:end_portal will teleport entities within their blockspace to and from the Nether and End respectively. Some entities are not teleported by one or both blocks.

Hit points “Hit points” dictates how, if at all, hit points are used on the entity. This attribute uses its own enumeration to describe its behavior:

HealthThe entity uses health, configurable via the minecraft:health component. Health can be evaluated using entity filters, components, and Health is serialized via NBT.

Structural integrity is always reported as 0 for entities using this hit point system.
Structural integrityThe entity uses a hardcoded structural integrity system that cannot be configured. Structural integrity can only be queried, via q.structural_integrity. minecraft:damage_sensor has no functionality with entities that use structural integrity. Structural integrity is not serialized.

q.hurt_time and q.hurt_direction work with these entities.

With one exception, health is always reported as 0 for entities using this hit point system.
ItemThe entity uses a special hit point system that serializes data into the Health top-level NBT field. This hit point system is only configurable via NBT. Configurations to minecraft:health are ignored. minecraft:damage_sensor has no functionality with entities that use item health.

Both health and structural integrity are always reported as 0 for entities using this hit point system.
NoneThe entity does not use hit points, at least not in a conventional sense. It may despawn on being hit or be immune to such damage.

Both health and structural integrity are always reported as 0 for entities using this hit point system.

Assuming the entity is damageable, /damage is able to work for “health”, “structural integrity”, and “item” systems. For entities using the “item” system, although /damage functionally works and updates the Health NBT field correctly, feedback is always erroneously given saying the damage could not be applied.

Damageable Some runtime identifiers’ entities cannot be damaged by any means (including via /damage). Such runtime identifiers are marked as inactive under this attribute. Note that minecraft:damage_sensor cannot make undamageable entities damageable. In this document, “gameplay” damage is damage taken through normal gameplay, e.g., not commands.

Flammable Entities whose runtime identifier have this attribute flagged as active can be set on fire. When flammable entities are on fire, q.is_on_fire will return true and on_fire_color will be used as the overlay color from a render controller. However, the entity may not actually be damageable by fire, lava, or fire ticks. This attribute is also flagged as inactive if the entity can take fire, lava, or fire tick damage but would die or despawn from it.

Can be knocked back When noted as active, entities can be knocked back when taking damage from entity attacks or explosions, and this can be tuned using the universal minecraft:knockback_resistance component. When noted as inactive, minecraft:knockback_resistance cannot make stationary entities able to be knocked back.

Effectible Effects — such as levitation and night vision — can be applied to entities whose runtime identifiers are "effectible". Many non-mob runtime identifiers enforce that effects cannot be applied to entities using them.

Selectable In general, entities are “selectable”. For such entities, all of the following are true:

  • They can be be selected using the crosshair, preventing selection of occluded blocks.
  • Their selection box can be interacted with by a player or other entity.
    • They can take gameplay entity attack damage.
    • They can respond to general interactions, via minecraft:interact.
    • They can be traded with (assuming minecraft:behavior.trade_with_player and the associated trade table is configured).
    • They can be named using name tags (assuming minecraft:nameable is configured).
    • They can be leashed using leads (assuming minecraft:leashable is configured).

Some non-mob runtime identifiers enforce that their entities are not selectable; in these cases, all of the above will be false. Note that even if an entity cannot be selected, it can still be named via /summon if minecraft:nameable is configured for such. However, if always_show is false, the name tag will never show because the entity won’t be selectable. Using true for this property is the only way to show the name of such entities. Also note that some interactable entities may attach to leads but not be pulled by them; these situation is noted for those runtime identifiers.

If selectable, the selection box is generally determined from the collision box. minecraft:custom_hit_test’s hitboxes will instead be used as the selection boxes if it is given. minecraft:custom_hit_test can never make an unselectable entity able to be selected.

If an unselectable entity is configured to use minecraft:projectile, any provided on_hurt projectile properties will not function.

Hookable Entities will attach to fishing hooks if this attribute is active. When inactive, certain runtime identifiers wholly ignore the fishing hook. Entities of some others may die or despawn on attachment, with the fishing hook continuing its prior trajectory. Additionally, entities of some runtime identifiers that are hookable cannot be pulled.

Targetable If this attribute is active on a runtime identifier, its entities may be targeted by other entities using behavioral components such as minecraft:behavior.hurt_by_target. If inactive, the entity cannot be targeted and will be completely ignored.

Can be projectile Some runtime identifiers cannot be used as projectiles when minecraft:projectile is declared; they will not be fired with projectile motion from shooter events. This attribute will be flagged as inactive on such runtime identifiers.

If stuck_in_ground is set in minecraft:projectile for an entity that can be a projectile, the entity will collide with terrain, disregarding a false has_collision in minecraft:physics, even if “Configurable block collision” is flagged as inactive. Furthermore, some runtime identifiers’ entities ignore their minecraft:physics block collision declaration when acting as projectiles.

Entities that have innate accelerations, such as minecraft:firework_rocket and minecraft:eye_of_ender_signal, move in conjunction with projectile motion.

Can move along rails Entities of runtime identifiers for which this attribute is true become laterally soft attached to rails if minecraft:rail_movement is active. Runtime identifiers have a wide range of rail frictions. These friction values cannot be altered via the max_speed property, minecraft:friction_modifier component, or other movement components.

For entities for which this attribute is active and that are using minecraft:rail_movement, innate movement behaviors (such as minecraft:elder_guardian_ghost’s flopping out of water) and innate accelerations (like minecraft:firework_rocket’s innate acceleration) will still run even when attached to rails. If an entity would intrinsically move fast enough (such as entities using minecraft:eye_of_ender_signal far enough away from the world origin) attachment to a rail may be broken.

In general, rail movement will not re-orient the server facing direction of an entity, unless that entity is using a minecraft:minecart runtime identifier. Most rail-eligible entities are set 0.5 blocks above the baseline of the rail blockspace when using minecraft:rail_movement; exceptions are noted elsewise.

Automatically rides If a runtime identifier signals this attribute as active, its entities can be automatically pulled in by rideable entities whose pull_in_entities field is true.

Configurable loot This attribute is active if the table referenced in minecraft:loot is used. In circumstances in which an entity is said to “despawn”, no loot will be dropped. In all but one exception, /kill and minecraft:projectile’s remove_on_hit are guaranteed to dispense the configured loot drops regardless of runtime ID. In this document, if an entity is said to despawn in some situation — unless noted otherwise — it will not drop loot. If an entity is said to die, break, or be destroyed, it will generally drop loot unless otherwise stated.

Spawn Behavior This attribute generally determines how entities are spawned and under what conditions an initial velocity may be applied to an entity. It uses a unique enumeration to describe its behavior:

Targeted surfaceThe spawn egg will summon an entity along the crosshair-targeted surface based on the orientation and perspective of the placing player.

If the entity uses minecraft:projectile, spawning via either a spawn egg or minecraft:spawn_entity will not give the entity an initial velocity.
ProjectileThe entity is spawned 1.32 blocks above the server position of the spawning player when using a spawn egg. If minecraft:projectile is present, a starting offset of [0, 0, 0] will still be considered as 1.32 blocks above the server position of the spawning player.

For spawning via either a spawn egg or minecraft:spawn_entity:
- If the entity uses minecraft:projectile, the entity an initial velocity as though thrown.
- If the entity doesn’t use minecraft:projectile but does declare minecraft:rail_movement, the entity may shoot off imprecisely similar to when being shot as a projectile.
RailFor spawning with a spawn egg:
- If targeting a rail with the crosshair, the entity will be set 0.5 blocks above the rail, unless using minecraft:rail_movement and a runtime identifier that would modify its offset on rails.
- Otherwise, if the spawn egg is used along the top of a surface, the entity will be spawned near and generally behind the spawning player. Targeting other faces typically behaves similarly to “targeted surface”.

If the entity uses minecraft:projectile, spawning via either a spawn egg or minecraft:spawn_entity will not give the entity an initial velocity.

For any of the above values, if minecraft:projectile is declared on an entity, /summon and behavior.summon_entity never provide an initial velocity to an entity while minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack and the entity and item shoot event always give an initial velocity.

Client Attributes

Client attributes describe how a runtime identifier behaves on a client. Due to server-client desync and optimizations, these attributes may not reflect the true ongoings of the game according to the server. These attributes are generally only for sensory feedback to the player. However, some entity mechanisms require the client to signal a gameplay change to the server. Positional updates, for example, would be important to hitbox detection and interaction signaling to the server.

Client entity If usable, a corresponding resource pack client entity and its render controllers, geometries, textures, materials, and animations will be used as usual. In all but one noted case, these client entities may also use particle and sound effects. If unusable, the entity may be invisible. Otherwise, the entity will use hardcoded mechanisms specific to that runtime identifier to determine how to render the entity on the client.

Positional updates Positional updates being active means that the position of the entity on the client reflects the server. For some entities, this is disabled to optimize performance. These entities are generally stationary; however, these entities are also especially prone to glaringly obvious server-client desyncs.

If desynced, the correct position will not be reflected until fully reloading the world; even reloading chunks is not enough to update the entity’s position on the client. Entities that would move out of simulation distance will immediately disappear from clients. If the entity would fall back into simulation distance, it can still only appear at its first client-loaded location in that instance of loading the world. minecraft:conditional_bandwidth_optimization cannot be used to force positional updates on entities whose runtime identifier has this attribute set to inactive.

Other updates to an entity — such as minecraft:variant changing or if the entity dies — are still forwarded. An entity’s position can be forced to be synced to the client when getting pushed by a piston or when getting stuck in the ground as a projectile. For riding pairs of entities, only the ridden entity’s positional updatability is regarded for the sake of client synchronization; the riding entity will update according to the ride. Gameplay will still be determined by the ridden entity’s server position, even if the ride and its rider are not receiving positional updates on the client. If, for example, a player in survival is mounting an entity not receiving positional updates and the ride is teleported nearby into lava, the player (and ride if eligible) will begin to burn seemingly in place according to the client. Even the player’s camera will remain in place while such a ride is moved around.

Interpolated movement Entity positional changes are generally interpolated on the client when the entity moves small distances on the server between ticks. This technique ensures a fluid appearance in movement, especially when the entity is running its usual behaviors, i.e., not being teleported. If this is inactive, entities using such runtime identifiers will appear to stutter around. This is generally inactive on runtime identifiers that are not expected to move much in order to improve performance.

Oriented Normally, entities on the client automatically update their orientation to match the server. If this attribute is inactive, the client entity will by default appear in a fixed direction (with the geometry rotated 180° about the y-axis) even if the server entity is being oriented some specific way. All entities have server-configurable rotations, and rotational updates are always sent to the client. Therefore, animations can always be used to force a client entity’s orientation to match the server using q.body_x_rotation and q.body_y_rotation.

Shadow When active, the entity will have a shadow rendered underneath it. For a few runtime identifiers, a shadow will be present, but the shadow size will use a fixed size and disregard the provided collision box in the server entity definition.

Death effects By default, the entity will despawn 1 second after taking fatal damage, with a few a hardcoded effects occurring before despawning:

  • The minecraft:death_explosion_emitter particle effect is played.
  • is_hurt_color properties from the active render controllers are used as the overlay color until the entity despawns.
  • The entity is rotated around the z-axis 90° counterclockwise over the first 0.5 seconds after taking fatal damage.
  • The entity’s death sound effect (or a fallback, if not present) is played.

When this is inactive on a runtime identifier, none of the above effects will be played and the entity will (if applicable) despawn immediately.

Step sounds

When active, entities with this runtime identifier will automatically play step sound effects when traversing terrain. Most non-mob runtime identifiers do not play step sound effects, even if specifically configured to do so via sounds.json.


Most core behaviors of projectiles are handled via the minecraft:projectile component. Notably, however, initial velocity on spawn is handled by the “projectile” spawn behavior, applicable to many runtime identifiers in this category.

Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:arrowNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:thrown_tridentNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:splash_potion & minecraft:lingering_potionNone⚠️Projectile
minecraft:llama_spit⚠️None⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:fireball⚠️None⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:small_fireballNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:shulker_bulletNone⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:dragon_fireballNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:wither_skull & minecraft:wither_skull_dangerous⚠️None⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:fishing_hook🐛None⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds
minecraft:splash_potion & minecraft:lingering_potion
minecraft:wither_skull & minecraft:wither_skull_dangerous


  • Has special considerations if declaring stuck_in_ground in minecraft:projectile
    • Players touching the projectile when it’s stuck in the ground (and at no other point) will receive a minecraft:arrow item
      • Entity instantly despawns when item is received, dropping no loot.
      • Cannot be picked up if loaded via NBT structure
      • mob_effect cannot be set to give an alternate drop.

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Has special considerations if declaring stuck_in_ground in minecraft:projectile
    • Players touching the projectile when it’s stuck in the ground (and at no other point) will receive an undamaged, unenchanted minecraft:trident item
      • Entity instantly despawns when item is received, dropping no loot.
      • Cannot be picked up if loaded via NBT structure
      • Neither lightning nor impact_damage’s channeling can be set to give a modified drop.
    • Will not automatically despawn after being stuck in the ground

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorProjectile

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorProjectile

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds

minecraft:splash_potion & minecraft:lingering_potion

  • minecraft:variant is overloaded for entities using this runtime identifier. While the is_variant entity filter will reflect the correct variant as normal, q.variant will return a different value (on both the server and the client) based on the potionId top-level NBT field on the entity. The type of effect potionId represents, regardless of effect strength, determines the value:
Effectq.variant Value
Mining Fatigue2
Fire Resistance11
Water Breathing12
Night Vision15
Health Boost20
Turtle Master24
Slow Falling25

NBT Extensions

  • PotionId

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorProjectile

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entityRenders as a horizontally flipped water splash potion billboard
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Registered⚠️Only when Education Edition is active
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorProjectile

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds



  • Emits minecraft:llama_spit_smoke continuously half a block above its position, about a dozen times per second

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box⚠️Actual width is width + 1; actual height extends from 1 block beneath position to height + 1 blocks above position
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️Lead attaches but cannot pull entity
Hookable⚠️Attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds



  • Emits minecraft:basic_smoke_particle continuously half a block above its position via manual emission

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box⚠️Actual width is width + 1; actual height extends from 1 block beneath position to height + 1 blocks above position
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
FlammableAlways innately on fire unless in a water block or rain; splash water bottles will not disable this innate effect
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️Lead attaches but cannot pull entity
Hookable⚠️Attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds



  • Emits minecraft:basic_smoke_particle continuously half a block above its position via manual emission

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
FlammableAlways innately on fire unless in a water block or rain; splash water bottles will not disable this innate effect
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds



  • Emits minecraft:shulker_bullet particle continuously at its exact location via manual emission

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxAlways has width and height of 0.5
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️Lead attaches but cannot pull entity
Hookable⚠️Attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds



  • Emits minecraft:dragon_breath_trail continuously half a block above its position via manual emission

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds

minecraft:wither_skull & minecraft:wither_skull_dangerous


  • Emits minecraft:basic_smoke_particle continuously half a block above its position via manual emission

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box⚠️Actual width is width + 1; actual height extends from 1 block beneath position to height + 1 blocks above position
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️Lead attaches but cannot pull entity
Hookable⚠️Attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorProjectile

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Despawns after a server tick unless the player deploying it is holding a minecraft:fishing_rod item
    • Custom items with the same name can’t be used for this functionality.
    • Will not trigger zero-timed commands or effects
  • Multiple fishing hooks may be deployed from the same player simultaneously.
  • A fishing line will be drawn to a single fishing hook.
    • The line will be used with the first hook cast after no hooks are present from a player.
    • The line will connect to a new hook if one is available if the attached hook were to be despawned or killed.
  • Hooks are despawned when the player travels too far away from the hook or if switching away from minecraft:fishing_rod in their hotbar.
  • If the fishing rod is recast when hooks are present, the hook attached via the line is despawned without dropping loot (unless successfully fishing).
    • Recasting is bugged when multiple fishing hooks are deployed: multiple hooks may be despawned simultaneously on recast. Often, other hooks will remain present.
  • Can be used to fish out of water
    • Luring of fish will occur with independent timers at all deployed hooks simultaneously.
    • Successful fishing can only occur on the individual hooks pulled in that were attached to fish.
    • Upon successful fishing, the declared loot table for the entity is used as the fishing reward.
      • All rolled items will be projected from the hook toward the fisher’s position.
  • Can latch onto entities and potentially pull them in when recast
    • Will not pull in entities if the attached hook is despawned or killed
    • Only one hook from an individual player may be attached to a different entity at the same time.
    • Attachment is separate from riding an entity.
      • Will not pull in entities the fishing rod is riding
  • Despawns when reloading the world

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collisionAlways true
Configurable gravityAlways true
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushabilityAlways false
Can be portaled🐛Currently always crashes the game when coming in contact with any portal
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as true
Acts innately as a projectile even without declaring minecraft:projectile
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorProjectile

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Transportation entities move other entities. Most of the core behavior of transportation entities can be handled via the minecraft:rideable component or /tp command.

Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:boat & minecraft:chest_boat⚠️Structural integrity⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:minecart & Variants⚠️Structural integrity⚠️⚠️⚠️Rail
minecraft:balloon⚠️None⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds
minecraft:boat & minecraft:chest_boat⚠️
minecraft:minecart & Variants

minecraft:boat & minecraft:chest_boat

  • Uses structural integrity
    • Effectively has 40 starting hit points for being broken by players not in creative mode or by the environment
    • Damage increases (such as via the strength effect) affect hit point loss greater. Critical hits and other factors do not apply.
    • Instantly despawns if attacked (even indirectly, such as via TNT) by a player in creative mode
  • Has hard, block-like collision dependent on the collision box size
  • minecraft:boat (but not minecraft:chest_boat) innately floats in water without needing minecraft:buoyant
  • minecraft:boat (but not minecraft:chest_boat) is innately ridable without declaring minecraft:rideable.
    • Can be overridden with custom minecraft:rideable declaration
  • Has innate boat controls usable by the principal rider
    • Moving left or right rotates the boat. Moving forward or backward strictly moves those directions according to the rotation.
    • Moves and turns faster in water than on land
    • Cannot be controlled when not in water or on the ground
    • Cannot configure rideable speed
    • minecraft:input_ground_controlled ignored if declared
    • minecraft:chest_boat is significantly slower in all situations than minecraft:boat.
  • minecraft:chest_boat has reduced friction when pushed and will continue sliding along even solid ground indefinitely until colliding with a vertical obstacle

Notable Queries

  • q.structural_integrity
    • Reflects the effective hit points of the entity
    • Entity dies when reaching 0
    • Ranges from 1 to 40, starting at 40 by default
    • Because structural integrity is not serialized, reset to 40 when reloading the world or when reloading the chunks the entity is in
  • q.hurt_time
    • Normally 0; when the entity is attacked by a player (even indirectly) in survival mode, instantly becomes and stays at 1 for 0.5 seconds before resetting to 0
  • q.hurt_direction
    • Starts at 1 and alternates between 1 and -1 with each attack by a player (even indirectly) in survival mode

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity⚠️Always true for minecraft:boat
minecraft:chest_boat ignores has_gravity. Gravity is determined by minecraft:buoyant’s existence; if provided, will act as true
Configurable entity pushabilityWhile generally immovable due to innate hard collision, is_pushable being true makes the entity slightly pushable very close to the hard edge
Configurable piston pushabilityAlways true
Can be portaled
Hit pointsStructural integrity
DamageableCannot take gameplay fall damage
Breaks immediately when taking gameplay contact damage
FlammableInstantly destroyed if in fire or lava
Can be knocked backTakes knockback from explosions
Hookable⚠️Despawns on hook attachment if hook was cast by player in creative mode
Otherwise, hookable normally
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Aligns to rails when not being ridden; ignores them when being ridden
minecraft:boat bounces along rails, even when stopped.
minecraft:chest_boat does not bounce along rails and is set 0.12 blocks above the rail baseline.
Automatically rides
Configurable loot⚠️Drops specified loot if killed via /kill

If not killed via /kill, drops a boat (if using minecraft:boat) or chest boat (if using minecraft:chest_boat) whose type is based on the minecraft:variant value:
1: spruce
2: birch
3: jungle
4: acacia
5: dark oak
All other values: oak
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Shadow⚠️Size is fixed as if having a collision box width of 1
Death effects
Step sounds

minecraft:minecart & Variants

  • Uses structural integrity
    • Despawns in a single hit if attacked (including indirectly) by a player in creative mode
    • Destroyed in multiple hits if melee attacked by a player enough in survival mode
      • Effectively has 5 starting hit points
      • Uses a scaling destruction system based on frequency of attacks
        • If attacks are too spread out, the entity will never be destroyed.
        • The closer attacks are in time, the faster the entity will be destroyed.
        • See q.structural_integrity notes below for specifics.
      • Damage increases (such as via the strength effect) affect hit point loss greater. Critical hits and other factors do not apply.
    • Destroyed in a single hit if ranged attacked by a player in survival mode
    • Destroyed immediately if blown up or in fire or lava
  • Activates detector rails when on top of them
    • Doesn’t have to be affixed directly to the rail to activate
  • Using minecraft:on_instant_prime event to detonate TNT minecarts instantly under various circumstances is not automatically handled via the runtime identifier. Only the vanilla minecraft:tnt_minecart entity is targeted by this event trigger.
  • Other minecart behaviors handled by general-use data-driven components
    • Bringing up a command block interface from a command block minecart is inaccessible either using data-driven components or the runtime identifier.
  • Plays a fragment of the minecart.base sound effect approximately every second while moving by any means, even when teleporting

Notable Queries

  • q.structural_integrity
    • Reflects the effective hit points of the entity
    • Entity dies when reaching 0
    • Ranges from 1 to 40, starting at 40 by default
    • 8 is subtracted from this value for each point of damage received. When below 20, 1 is added to this value every tick until reaching 20.
    • Reset to 40 when reloading the world, but even though structural integrity is not serialized, doesn’t reset when reloading the chunks the entity is in
  • q.hurt_time
    • Normally 0; when the entity is attacked by a player (even indirectly) in survival mode, instantly becomes and stays at 1 for 0.5 seconds before resetting to 0
  • q.hurt_direction
    • Starts at 1 and alternates between 1 and -1 with each attack by a player (even indirectly) in survival mode

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collisionAlways false
Configurable gravity⚠️Ignore has_gravity. Gravity is determined by minecraft:rail_movement’s existence; if provided, will act as true
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsStructural integrity
DamageableDoes not take gameplay fall damage
Immediately destroyed when taking gameplay explosion or contact damage
FlammableInstantly destroyed if in fire or lava
Can be knocked back
Hookable⚠️Destroyed on hook attachment if hook was cast by player in creative mode
Otherwise, attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsPositioned directly on the rail's baseline
Rail movement automatically orients entity on the server. (The client still requires an animation using q.body_y_rotation since “Oriented” client attribute is ❌.)
Decelerates gradually
Automatically rides
Configurable loot⚠️Drops provided loot table when /kill is used on it
Drops nothing if destroyed (even indirectly) by a player in creative mode
Drops intrinsic loot when destroyed otherwise. Variations drop their corresponding item form, with the exception of command block minecarts, which only drop a minecraft:minecart.
Spawn behaviorRail

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Custom entities using the balloon runtime identifier cannot attach to or lift entities like minecraft:balloon; entities using this runtime identifier do not interact in any way with entities with minecraft:balloonable.

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Registered⚠️Only when Education Edition is active
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
FlammableDespawns immediately if on fire or in lava
Watchers do not trigger before despawning.
Can be knocked back
HookableDespawns on hook attachment
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along railsDecelerates slowly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds

Block-Like Entities

Block-like entities act as stationary fake blocks or otherwise act as a workaround for blocks to achieve some advanced functionality blocks alone can’t support. In most situations, a generic entity can be bound to a custom block for handling edge cases.

Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:tntNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:armor_standStructural integrity⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:painting⚠️None⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:falling_blockNone⚠️⚠️⚠️🐛Targeted surface
minecraft:ender_crystalNone⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:chalkboardHealth⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:tripod_cameraHealth⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds


  • Stutters during any movement
    • minecraft:conditional_bandwidth_optimization cannot improve this.
  • Hops slightly in a random direction when placed
  • Explosive behavior not intrinsic: handled using data-driven component minecraft:explode
    • Using from_explosion event to detonate TNT more swiftly if triggered from a nearby explosion is not automatically handled via the runtime identifier. Only the vanilla minecraft:tnt entity responds to this.

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways true
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Decelerates swiftly
May get stuck on inclines due to stuttering movement
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Uses structural integrity uniquely
    • May have declare minecraft:health and alter it via component groups
      • Will be serialized correctly into entity data
      • Will return the correct value in
    • Doesn’t actually use health to determine when it breaks, working more like other entities that use structural integrity
      • Despawns in a single hit if attacked (including indirectly) by a player in creative mode
      • Destroyed in multiple hits if melee attacked by a player enough in survival mode
        • Uses a scaling destruction system based on frequency of attacks
          • At least two attacks are required.
          • If attacks are too spread out, the entity will never be destroyed.
          • The closer attacks are in time, the faster the entity will be destroyed.
          • Melee damage boosts are irrelevant.
      • Destroyed in a single hit if ranged attacked by a player in survival mode
      • Despawns immediately if blown up
  • Has innate damage proxy overrides
    • Most damage sources can’t be applied.
    • fire may be applied, but the entity will not actually take damage by default
      • Can be overridden by a minecraft:damage_sensor trigger
    • fire_tick may be applied, and the entity will be damaged.
    • May be damaged and killed via effects
    • Generally takes at most 1 damage from the above damage sources in a single instance
      • However, will take full damage instantly from the instant_harming effect
    • Can’t respond to additional damage sources or amounts using minecraft:damage_sensor triggers
  • Requires NBT editing to alter pose values
  • Will not automatically hold equipment when interacted with by players

NBT Extensions

  • Pose

Notable Queries

  • q.structural_integrity
    • 1 by default; after ever being hit, set to -10.
    • Reset to 1 when reloading the world or when reloading the chunks the entity is in
  • q.hurt_time
    • Normally 0; when the entity is attacked by a player (even indirectly) in survival mode, instantly becomes and stays at 1 for 0.5 seconds before resetting to 0
  • q.hurt_direction
    • Starts at 1 and alternates between 1 and -1 with each attack by a player (even indirectly) in survival mode

Hardcoded Variables

  • v.armor_stand.hurt_time
    • Reflects q.hurt_time
  • v.armor_stand.pose_index
    • Reflects NBT Pose’s PoseIndex integer tag
      • Able to use full scale of integer tag values, not just the poses handled by vanilla


  • Plays sounds mob.armor_stand.hit when attacked and mob.armor_stand.break when broken
    • Doesn’t play mob.armor_stand.break when /kill-ed

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsStructural integrityHealth still serialized and queryable; can be modified via component groups
Health not used for breaking
Damageable⚠️Only damageable via fire sources and effects
Breaks immediately when exploded
Can be knocked back
Targetable⚠️Cannot be damaged by targeting entity
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Decelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot⚠️Drops provided loot table when /kill is used on it
Drops an armor stand when destroyed (even indirectly) by a player in survival mode, except when destroyed by an explosion
Drops nothing otherwise
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects⚠️Only triggers via /kill, despawning about 0.2 seconds into the animation
Step sounds


  • Breaks when taking any damage
    • Only uses the top-leftmost 16 × 16 of the painting texture (textures/painting/kz.png) for showing broken particles
    • Plays block.itemframe.break sound when broken or killed
  • Will break shortly after supporting block is removed or becomes invalid
  • Will break after being teleported even if the anchored position is valid.
  • minecraft:damage_sensor’s deals_damage field being false for paintings doesn’t prevent painting destruction

NBT Extensions

  • Motive
  • Direction
  • Dir
    • May no longer be used

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxUses collision box sized according to the associated painting with a depth of 0.15625
Configurable block collisionAlways false
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityBreaks when being pushed if is_pushable is true
Configurable piston pushabilityAlways breaks when pushed by a piston
Can be portaled⚠️By Nether portals, no
By End portals, yes
Hit pointsNone
DamageableBreaks when taking any damage

Cannot take gameplay fall or contact damage
FlammableBreaks immediately when on fire or in lava
Events/triggers don’t have time to catch being on fire
Can be knocked back
HookableBreaks on hook attachment
Can be projectileBlock collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Effectively unusable due to movement constraints
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot⚠️Drops specified loot when killed by /kill
Drops item frame if broken by environment or (even indirectly) by a player in survival, except when destroyed by an explosion
Drops nothing otherwise
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entityRenders as painting described by Motive NBT field
If associated painting is invalid or not present, will be invisible until reloading the world
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Places block upon collision with terrain
    • Block to be placed on collision with terrain determined by FallingBlock NBT field
      • If not available, the variant determines the placed block.
        • Unknown how to map the variant to a particular block
    • Cannot be used to render an entity as a particular block

NBT Extensions

  • FallingBlock
  • Time

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxAlways has width and height of 1
Configurable block collisionAlways true
Configurable gravityAlways true
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushabilityAlways breaks on contact with a piston head
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Damageable⚠️Unkillable from taking damage
Cannot take fall or contact damage
Despawns when taking gameplay explosion damage
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️When leashed, lead will be invisible, and positional mismatches will occur between server and client.
Hookable⚠️Attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile🐛Cannot be a projectile
Infrequently appears to shoot on the client, but isn’t actually shot on the server
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity⚠️Renders as given client entity and not block specified by NBT
Does not play particle or sound effects
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • When summoned or placed in The End, sets the block at its position to minecraft:fire if possible
  • The nearest minecraft:ender_crystal or entity using its runtime identifier to an Ender Dragon will heal it if the dragon is close enough.
    • A channeling beam is displayed from this entity to that dragon.
    • Can target and heal multiple dragons simultaneously if more than one would be present
    • A dragon can only be healed by one Ender crystal (or entity using its runtime identifier) at a time.
  • Cannot be used to resurrect the Ender Dragon

NBT Extensions

  • BlockTargetX, BlockTargetY, and BlockTargetZ
    • Serialized into entity data but unused by custom entities

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️Lead attaches but cannot pull entity
Hookable⚠️Attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Shadow⚠️Size is fixed as if having a collision box width of 0.5
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Must be in the block space of a type of fence block not to despawn
    • If not in a fence block, despawns automatically after at most 5 seconds without dropping loot.
  • Despawns immediately when teleported, even if teleported to the block space of a fence block

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxAlways has width of 0.6875 and height of 0.5
Configurable block collisionAlways false
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways despawns from being pushed if is_pushable is true
Configurable piston pushabilityAlways despawns from being pushed if is_pushable_by_piston is true
Can be portaled⚠️By Nether portals, no
By End portals, yes
Hit pointsNone
DamageableDespawns immediately when damaged
Cannot take gameplay fall or contact damage
FlammableDespawns immediately if on fire or in lava
Can be knocked back
Selectable⚠️Only selectable for the sake of attacking or interacting. Naming and leashing are effectively prohibited; in both these cases, the entity despawns immediately and plays the sound effect leashknot.break. Additional interactions and base interacting behavior cannot be overridden with minecraft:interact interactions.
HookableDespawns on hook attachment
Can be projectileBlock collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Effectively unusable due to movement constraints
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorRailPositioned one block above targeted rail

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movementDespawns when teleported
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsHealth
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Decelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Oriented⚠️Only updated when reloading the world or leaving and reentering chunks
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Cannot take be configured to take pictures like the vanilla minecraft:tripod_camera entity

Hardcoded Variables

  • v.isFlashing
    • Always 0 since custom entities cannot be used to take pictures

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsHealth
DamageableDespawns if attacked (even indirectly) by a player
Can be knocked back
HookableDespawns and plays death particle effect and sound on hook attachment
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Decelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Shadow⚠️Size is fixed as if having a collision box width of 0.5
Death effects
Step sounds

Damage & Status Effects

A few entity types are predominantly used for applying damage or status effects to other entities. Such behaviors can often be trivially imitated via server animation controllers and animations using /damage and /effect.

Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:area_effect_cloudNoneTargeted surface
minecraft:lightning_boltNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:evocation_fangNone⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds


  • Principally altered via manual configuration of NBT fields
    • Will instantly despawn if left unconfigured
  • Applies effects given by mobEffects NBT field to all entities in a disc
  • When the cloud’s radius or lifetime would dissipate, the entity will despawn

NBT Extensions

  • Duration
  • DurationOnUse
  • Radius
  • InitialRadius
  • RadiusOnUse
  • RadiusPerTick
  • RadiusChangeOnPickup
  • PickupCount
  • mobEffects
  • PotionId
    • Deprecated in favor of mobEffects
  • ReapplicationDelay
  • ParticleId
  • ParticleColor
  • SpawnTick
  • OwnerId

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Triggers a lightning effect on spawn
    • Instantly deals damage in a prism 9 long by 9 wide by 8 high, with the entity at the lateral center and vertical bottom of this prism
    • All eligible entities hit take 4 lightning damage and are set on fire for 7 fire ticks.
      • Block cover from above is irrelevant: the damage and fire ticks will happen to all entities in that prism even if they are totally isolated by blocks.
    • Won’t automatically ignite nearby flammable blocks
    • Causes the sky to flash
  • Despawns after about a quarter to three-quarters of a second
    • Existence timer not handled by NBT


  • random.explode played when spawned

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Instantly deals 5 magic damage to all eligible entities in its collision box when spawned
  • Despawns 0.6 seconds after spawning
    • Uses the NBT compound tag ActorLimitedLifetimeComponent internalComponent to indicate despawn time
      • If limitedLife is invalid or ActorLimitedLifetimeComponent is not present, the entity will live for 0.6 seconds.
      • If limitedLife is not present, the entity will despawn after a server tick.

NBT Extensions

  • ActorLimitedLifetimeComponent in internalComponent


  • When spawned, emits dozens of instances of minecraft:evocation_fang_particle in a rectangular prism laterally the same as the specified collision box and vertically bounded from 1 to 2 blocks above the entity’s position.

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as false unless stick_in_ground is provided
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Items and XP orbs are “picked up” by eligible nearby entities automatically. In reality, on acquisition, the entities are despawned, and data on the acquiring entities is updated. Such behaviors can be matched with /give and /xp in server animation controllers or animations.

Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:itemItem⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:xp_orbNone⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds


  • Uses Health NBT field to manage effective health
  • Can be picked up by eligible entities, giving them the item or block specified by the NBT compound Item tag
    • Despawns when picked up
    • Used name in the user interface will be the localized value of this item or block
    • Custom entity not retained in inventories after being picked up; when dropped again, will be an instance of minecraft:item
  • Requires the NBT compound Item tag
    • Instantly despawns if not present
  • Despawns when its NBT short tag Age reaches 6000
  • Can be absorbed by hoppers and hopper minecarts
  • Will automatically stack (if appropriate) with other minecraft:item entities or entities using that runtime identifier
    • When stacking, the combined item counts will be merged into one of the two merging stacks; the other entity will despawn
  • For non-players, pick up range is determined by the behavior being used to pick up the items.
  • For players, the pick up range varies according to their collision box size, approximately the sum of:
    • Half the item collision box (0.125)
    • Half the player collision box (0.3 by default)
    • A block of extra padding (1)
  • The item collision box size itself cannot be modified, for pick up or any other purposes. The pick up range is cubic in form, so the above sum (1.425 by default) reflects half the side length of a cube centered on the item’s server position.

NBT Extensions

  • Item
  • Age
  • Health

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxAlways has width and height of 0.25
Configurable block collisionAlways true
Configurable gravityAlways true
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushabilityAlways true
Can be portaled
Hit pointsItem
Flammable⚠️Despawns if on fire or in lava
Watchers trigger before despawning.
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Decelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entityIf representing an item, uses texture mesh from associated icon
If representing a block, uses block model
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Shadow⚠️Size is fixed as if having a collision box width of 0.25
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Attracted to and absorbed by players on contact
    • Only applies to real players; disregards other entities with the player family or minecraft:player runtime identifier

NBT Extensions

  • experience value
    • Sets the orb’s experience worth to absorbing players

Notable Queries

  • q.texture_frame_index
    • Returns integers inclusively between 0 and 10 depending on the value of the NBT tag experience value:
experience value minimumexperience value maximumReturn value

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxAffects XP absorption range
Configurable block collisionAlways true
Configurable gravityAlways true
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
FlammableInstantly despawns
Watchers trigger before despawning.
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Block collision always treated as true

Moves erratically when minecraft:projectile is active
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updatesOften appears to follow the player to be absorbed even if the entity has a different position on the server
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds

Visual Effects

A few entities exclusively handle visual effects that may or may not act as gameplay signals to players. Such effects can be performed using a generic client entity.

Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:fireworks_rocketNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:eye_of_ender_signalNone⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:elder_guardian_ghost⚠️HealthTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds


  • Has intrinsic vertical acceleration upward
    • Can be mitigated by teleporting the entity every server tick.
  • Despawns approximately 1.5 seconds after being spawned, dropping no loot.
    • Configurable via Life and Lifetime NBT tags

NBT Extensions

  • Life
  • Lifetime


  • Plays sound firework.launch when summoned, assuming Life NBT tag hasn’t been configured to be any value other than 0
  • Plays particle effect similar to minecraft:sparkler_emitter for approximately the first 8 seconds either the entity is present after being spawned or when the entity is reloaded with the world
    • Manually emits approximately 4 particles per second over this time span
    • Won’t replay particles when unloading and reloading chunks
    • Cancelled early if the entity would die or despawn
    • Although similar in behavior to the minecraft:sparkler_emitter definition, changing that effect definition is not reflected in these particles. Presumably, the effect is actually hardcoded.

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectileInitial velocity from minecraft:projectile used in conjunction with innate vertical acceleration
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Attempts to move to the world origin (0, 0, 0) in any dimension over a fixed duration of 4.25 seconds, exploding with effects and despawning at the end.
    • Prioritizes lateral movement; when nearing the origin laterally, will turn to vertically approach its target
    • When spawned from far away from the origin, it may move so fast it seems to teleport from its spawn location.
    • Can be overridden by teleporting the entity every server tick


  • Any time before exploding, emits minecraft:basic_portal_particle approximately a dozen times per second at random locations laterally within about half a block of the entity’s position
  • When reaching the end of its natural lifetime, plays the sound block.itemframe.break and the particle effect minecraft:eyeofender_death_explode_particle

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision boxAlways has width and height of 1
Configurable block collisionAlways false
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsNone
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile⚠️Majority of projectile functionality masked by innate movement
Will accelerate movement towards world origin
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


The core behavior of minecraft:elder_guardian_ghost (applying mining fatigue and triggering visual and sound effects to alert the player) is not automatically handled by this runtime identifier.

  • Flops around randomly when not in water
    • To be considered in water, any portion of the collision box must be in water, flowing water, or bubble columns
      • Rain ignored for this collision detection
    • Doesn’t require static movement components (i.e., minecraft:movement) for this to occur
    • Takes unconditional behavioral priority, meaning custom behaviors when not in water cannot be used.
    • Can (mostly) be disabled by teleporting the entity every server tick
    • Does not occur when being launched as a projectile, even if launched outside water
      • Will, however, begin flopping if stick_in_ground is true when it would get stuck in the ground after being shot
  • Will not automatically despawn after being stuck in the ground when shot as a projectile

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors⚠️Ignores custom behaviors when not in water: will always flop randomly
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsHealth
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile
Can move along rails
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeRegisteredConfigurable behaviorsConfigurable collision boxConfigurable block collisionConfigurable gravityConfigurable entity pushabilityConfigurable piston pushabilityCan be portaledHit pointsDamageableFlammableCan be knocked backEffectibleSelectableHookableTargetableCan be projectileCan move along railsAutomatically ridesConfigurable lootSpawn behavior
minecraft:npcHealth⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:agent⚠️Health⚠️⚠️⚠️Targeted surface
minecraft:shieldHealth⚠️Targeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeClient entityPositional updatesInterpolated movementOrientedShadowDeath effectsStep sounds


  • Actual NPC behavior is handled via the universal minecraft:npc component.

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsHealth
DamageableCan be damaged via /damage by a player in creative mode, causing the entity to despawn
Can be knocked back⚠️Can be knocked back by explosions but not entity attacks
Effectible/effect erroneously indicate success
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Decelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable lootUnlike all other runtime identifiers, never drops loot, even with /kill or when colliding when using minecraft:projectile’s remove_on_hit
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Death effects
Step sounds


  • Always set in the lateral center and vertical bottom of a block space.
    • Teleportation values are rounded to the nearest block to conform to this. Teleportations must therefore move the entity at least 0.5 blocks along any axis to move at all.
      • Teleportations not matching this condition still indicate command success.
  • Has special naming considerations, allowing naming even without minecraft:nameable
    • If minecraft:nameable is not active, allow_name_tag_renaming is considered as false and always_show is considered as true.
    • If minecraft:nameable is active, always_show may be overridden, but allow_name_tag_renaming cannot be.
    • On being owned, is named §9Player.Agent, where Player is the name of the owning player
  • Can only be used as a player's actual agent through the use of an NPC, the /execute command, and the /agent command, you can put this command into an npc button commands to make your agent turn left or to spawn in an agent if you don't already have one: "/execute as @initiator run /agent turn left", this command only works when run by an NPC.

Hardcoded Variables

All variables are fixed due to custom entities not being able to use core agent functionality.

  • v.agent.swinganimationtick
    • Always 0
  • v.agent.ishovering
    • Always 0
  • v.agent.swinganimationduration
    • Always 6
  • v.agent.easein
    • Always 0
  • v.agent.movespeedscalar
    • Always 1

Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box⚠️If unowned, yes
If owned, always has width of 0.75 and height of 0.5
Configurable block collisionAlways false
Configurable gravityAlways false
Configurable entity pushabilityAlways false
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsHealth
DamageableCan never be damaged through attacks in game, only by the environment or /damage
Can be knocked back
EffectibleCommands erroneously indicate successful application
Selectable⚠️If unowned, no
If owned, yes
Has special naming considerations
Is never leashable
Hookable⚠️If unowned, not hookable
If owned, attaches but cannot pull entity
Can be projectile
Can move along railsDecelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot⚠️If unowned, no
If owned, yes
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity⚠️Model only rendered if owned
Particle and sound effects always trigger.
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Oriented⚠️Will quickly automatically reorient to face the nearest cardinal direction on both the server and the client
Shadow⚠️If unowned, no
If owned, yes
Death effects
Step sounds


Server Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Configurable behaviors
Configurable collision box
Configurable block collision
Configurable gravity
Configurable entity pushability
Configurable piston pushability
Can be portaled
Hit pointsHealth
Can be knocked back
Can be projectile
Can move along rails⚠️Bounces along rail, even when stopped
Decelerates swiftly
Automatically rides
Configurable loot
Spawn behaviorTargeted surface

Client Attributes

AttributeValueAdditional Notes
Client entity
Positional updates
Interpolated movement
Oriented⚠️Only updated when reloading the world or leaving and reentering chunks
Death effects
Step sounds
