Throwable Items
This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Molang, animation controllers and entity definitions.
Items like the Splash Potion or the Trident are special items that can be thrown.
The Item
First, you'll want to make the actual item:
"format_version": "1.21.70",
"minecraft:item": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:throwable_item"
"components": {
"minecraft:max_stack_size": 16,
"minecraft:throwable": {
"do_swing_animation": true
"minecraft:projectile": {
"projectile_entity": "wiki:throwable_item_entity"
"minecraft:icon": "wiki:throwable_item"
The Entity
The entity will be the actual thrown item, and it will behave like a projectile. Make sure to add snowball runtime identifier to make your projectile to actually be shoot, not spawned. You can also experiment with other projectile runtime id's.
"format_version": "1.16.0",
"minecraft:entity": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:throwable_item_entity",
"is_spawnable": false,
"is_summonable": true,
"is_experimental": false,
"runtime_identifier": "minecraft:snowball"
"components": {
"minecraft:collision_box": {
"width": 0.25,
"height": 0.25
"minecraft:projectile": {
"on_hit": {
"grant_xp": {
"minXP": 3,
"maxXP": 5
"impact_damage": {
"damage": 16
"remove_on_hit": {}
"power": 0.7,
"gravity": 0.03,
"angle_offset": -20,
"hit_sound": "glass"
"minecraft:physics": {},
"minecraft:pushable": {
"is_pushable": true,
"is_pushable_by_piston": true
"minecraft:conditional_bandwidth_optimization": {
"default_values": {
"max_optimized_distance": 80,
"max_dropped_ticks": 10,
"use_motion_prediction_hints": true
This entity is based on the Vanilla splash potion.
You can then customize its behavior by editing the minecraft:projectile
component, in this case the thrown item will grant some exp and will damage any entity it will hit.
Once you have your throwable item you can start trying several things, like playing with its power, effects, animations or combining it with an AOE Cloud. The only limit is your imagination.