Block Sounds
Applying Sounds
This sounds
parameter in RP/blocks.json
is used to determine general block sounds, such as the mining sound, step on sound, breaking sound, and placement sound.
You can apply a set of sounds to your block using this parameter:
"format_version": "1.21.40",
"wiki:custom_log": {
"sound": "wood" // Define sound here
Adding Custom Sounds
Only the break
, hit
and place
block sound events can be modified by custom block sound definitions.
Defining sounds for other events, such as step
, will have no effect.
"block_sounds": {
"wiki:custom_wood": {
"events": {
"break": "random.levelup",
"hit": "random.pop",
"place": "random.pop"
"format_version": "1.21.40",
"wiki:custom_log": {
"sound": "wiki:custom_wood"
List of Vanilla Sounds
The following are valid values for the sound property:
Last updated for 1.21.60 |
amethyst_block |
amethyst_cluster |
ancient_debris |
anvil |
azalea |
azalea_leaves |
bamboo |
bamboo_sapling |
bamboo_wood |
bamboo_wood_hanging_sign |
basalt |
big_dripleaf |
bone_block |
calcite |
candle |
cave_vines |
chain |
cherry_leaves |
cherry_wood |
cherry_wood_hanging_sign |
chiseled_bookshelf |
cloth |
comparator |
copper |
copper_bulb |
copper_grate |
coral |
creaking_heart |
decorated_pot |
deepslate |
deepslate_bricks |
dirt_with_roots |
dripstone_block |
eyeblossom |
frog_spawn |
froglight |
fungus |
glass |
glow_lichen |
grass |
gravel |
hanging_roots |
hanging_sign |
heavy_core |
honey_block |
iron |
itemframe |
ladder |
lantern |
large_amethyst_bud |
lever |
lodestone |
mangrove_roots |
medium_amethyst_bud |
metal |
mob_spawner |
moss_block |
moss_carpet |
mud |
mud_bricks |
muddy_mangrove_roots |
nether_brick |
nether_gold_ore |
nether_sprouts |
nether_wart |
nether_wood |
nether_wood_hanging_sign |
netherite |
netherrack |
nylium |
packed_mud |
pale_hanging_moss |
pink_petals |
pointed_dripstone |
polished_tuff |
powder_snow |
resin |
resin_brick |
roots |
sand |
scaffolding |
sculk |
sculk_catalyst |
sculk_sensor |
sculk_shrieker |
sculk_vein |
shroomlight |
slime |
small_amethyst_bud |
snow |
soul_sand |
soul_soil |
sponge |
spore_blossom |
stem |
stone |
suspicious_gravel |
suspicious_sand |
sweet_berry_bush |
trial_spawner |
tuff |
tuff_bricks |
turtle_egg |
vault |
vines |
web |
weeping_vines |
wet_sponge |
wood |