Custom Crops
This tutorial assumes a good understanding of blocks and scripting. Check out the blocks guide, block states and block events before starting.
If you aren't a fan of carrots - that's fine. You can make your own (far superior) crop!
Making crops is not as difficult as you may think, it just takes a little practice and forethought in coding a specific series of events. This page will guide you through the process of creating a unique crop block as well as its seed and food items.
- Custom crops cannot be destroyed by flowing liquids (see feedback post).
- Growth rate cannot be impacted by light level (see feedback post).
Crop Model
If you look at crops like carrots and potatoes in-game, you will see that they are made up of 4 planes that are situated 4 pixels from each edge, as shown in the screenshot below. The visible faces point inwards in order to prevent shadows on the crop when surrounded by other blocks.
It is noteworthy to mention that each plane sits 1 pixel down, unlike traditional blocks. If you forget to lower the planes down by one, then the crops will appear to grow one pixel higher then the top of farmland which has a shorter model.
By lowering the position down a pixel, it will sit above farmland perfectly making everything right in our blocky world. Here is a template model for the crop.
Initial Block JSON
To start with, we want our crops to have 8 stages of growth like vanilla crops, so the block should include a state with 8 values.
This code example also includes the base components of our crop which will be active in every permutation.
"format_version": "1.21.60",
"minecraft:block": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:custom_crop",
"menu_category": {
"category": "none" // Hide from creative inventory - seeds should be used to place.
"states": {
"wiki:growth": {
"values": { "min": 0, "max": 7 }
"components": {
"minecraft:collision_box": false,
"minecraft:geometry": "geometry.crop", // Model provided in previous step.
"minecraft:light_dampening": 0,
// Break the crop if it isn't placed on farmland.
"minecraft:placement_filter": {
"conditions": [
"allowed_faces": ["up"],
"block_filter": ["minecraft:farmland"]
Custom Growth Component
The events below do three important functions to make your crop work:
- The
event hook is used to increment thewiki:growth
state at a random interval. - The
event hook is for bone meal support, adding a random value towiki:growth
in survival mode or fully growing the crop in creative mode.
import { EquipmentSlot, GameMode, world } from "@minecraft/server";
* @param {number} min The minimum integer
* @param {number} max The maximum integer
* @returns {number} A random integer between the `min` and `max` parameters (inclusive)
const randomInt = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
const maxGrowth = 7;
/** @type {import("@minecraft/server").BlockCustomComponent} */
const CustomCropGrowthBlockComponent = {
onRandomTick({ block }) {
const growthChance = 1 / 3;
if (Math.random() > growthChance) return;
const growth = block.permutation.getState("wiki:growth");
block.setPermutation(block.permutation.withState("wiki:growth", growth + 1));
onPlayerInteract({ block, dimension, player }) {
if (!player) return;
const equippable = player.getComponent("minecraft:equippable");
if (!equippable) return;
const mainhand = equippable.getEquipmentSlot(EquipmentSlot.Mainhand);
if (!mainhand.hasItem() || mainhand.typeId !== "minecraft:bone_meal") return;
if (player.getGameMode() === GameMode.creative) {
// Grow crop fully
block.setPermutation(block.permutation.withState("wiki:growth", 7));
} else {
let growth = block.permutation.getState("wiki:growth");
// Add random amount of growth
growth += randomInt(1, maxGrowth - growth);
block.setPermutation(block.permutation.withState("wiki:growth", growth));
// Decrement stack
if (mainhand.amount > 1) mainhand.amount--;
else mainhand.setItem(undefined);
// Play effects
const effectLocation =;
dimension.playSound("item.bone_meal.use", effectLocation);
dimension.spawnParticle("minecraft:crop_growth_emitter", effectLocation);
world.beforeEvents.worldInitialize.subscribe(({ blockComponentRegistry }) => {
Growth Permutations
So we know how to set our block states, what happens when our block is on a particular state value?
The permutations below set a certain selection box, loot table and texture to the block based its wiki:growth
For example, if wiki:growth
is 7, the texture is set to custom_crop_3
and the crop is able to drop food.
"permutations": [
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') < 7",
"components": {
// Loot table for when the crop is not fully grown. Vanilla crops only drop seeds when young.
"minecraft:loot": "loot_tables/blocks/custom_crop_young.json",
// Trigger growth on random ticks and when interacting with bone meal (only active when the block isn't fully grown).
"minecraft:custom_components": ["wiki:custom_crop_growth"]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') >= 0",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_0",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 0",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 1.6, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 1",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 3.2, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') >= 2",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_1",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 2",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 4.8, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 3",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 6.4, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') >= 4",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_2",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 4",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 8, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 5",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 9.6, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 6",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 11.2, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 7",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_3",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 12.8, 16]
// Drop different loot when fully grown
"minecraft:loot": "loot_tables/blocks/custom_crop_mature.json"
You can add more permutations depending on how many stages you want your crop to have. But don't forget to also change the state's max
value and the script's maxGrowth
Final Block JSON
Here is the entire wiki:custom_crop
file for reference.
Custom Crop Block JSON
"format_version": "1.21.60",
"minecraft:block": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:custom_crop",
"menu_category": {
"category": "none" // Hide from creative inventory - seeds should be used to place.
"states": {
"wiki:growth": {
"values": { "min": 0, "max": 7 }
"components": {
"minecraft:flammable": true,
"minecraft:collision_box": false,
"minecraft:geometry": "geometry.crop",
"minecraft:light_dampening": 0,
// Break the crop if it isn't placed on farmland.
"minecraft:placement_filter": {
"conditions": [
"allowed_faces": ["up"],
"block_filter": ["minecraft:farmland"]
"permutations": [
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') < 7",
"components": {
// Loot table for when the crop is not fully grown. Vanilla crops only drop seeds when young.
"minecraft:loot": "loot_tables/blocks/custom_crop_young.json",
// Trigger growth on random ticks and when interacting with bone meal (only active when the block isn't fully grown).
"minecraft:custom_components": ["wiki:custom_crop_growth"]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') >= 0",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_0",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 0",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 1.6, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 1",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 3.2, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 6",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 11.2, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') >= 2",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_1",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 2",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 4.8, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 3",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 6.4, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') >= 4",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_2",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 4",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 8, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 5",
"components": {
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 9.6, 16]
"condition": "q.block_state('wiki:growth') == 7",
"components": {
"minecraft:material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "wiki:custom_crop_3",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"ambient_occlusion": false,
"face_dimming": false
"minecraft:selection_box": {
"origin": [-8, 0, -8],
"size": [16, 12.8, 16]
// Drop different loot when fully grown
"minecraft:loot": "loot_tables/blocks/custom_crop_mature.json"
Crop Loot
Below are some example loot tables that your custom crop could use:
Young Crop Loot Table
"pools": [
"rolls": 1,
"entries": [
"type": "item",
"name": "wiki:custom_seeds"
Mature Crop Loot Table
"pools": [
"rolls": 1,
"entries": [
"type": "item",
"name": "wiki:custom_food",
"functions": [
"function": "set_count",
"count": { "min": 2, "max": 5 }
"rolls": 1,
"entries": [
"type": "item",
"name": "wiki:custom_seeds",
"functions": [
"function": "set_count",
"count": { "min": 0, "max": 3 }
Custom Seeds
Holding a crop block in your hand wouldn't look right, so we place the crop with seeds! Below is the JSON for a custom item that places your crop.
"format_version": "1.21.60",
"minecraft:item": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:custom_seeds", // Make sure this is different from your crop's ID.
"menu_category": {
"category": "nature",
"group": ""
"components": {
"minecraft:icon": "wiki:custom_seeds",
"minecraft:block_placer": {
"block": "wiki:custom_crop" // The block this item is placing.
Custom Food
Your crop can't only drop seeds! Create a custom food using the template below.
"format_version": "1.21.60",
"minecraft:item": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:custom_food", // Make sure this is different from your crop and seeds' ID.
"menu_category": {
"category": "nature",
"group": ""
"components": {
"minecraft:icon": "wiki:custom_food",
"minecraft:food": {
"nutrition": 4,
"saturation_modifier": 0.6
"minecraft:use_animation": "eat",
"minecraft:use_modifiers": {
"use_duration": 1.6,
"movement_modifier": 0.33
Your pack should now contain the following files:
- 📝custom_crop.json
- 📝custom_food.json
- 📝custom_seeds.json
- 📝custom_crop_mature.json
- 📝custom_crop_young.json
With the help of this tutorial/template, you now have the knowledge and skills to create your own custom crop, as well as its seed and food items.
Download Example Pack
If you require further assistance or would like to access the complete template files, please use the download button provided below. Happy designing!
Download MCADDONContributors
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Code samples on this page are licensed under the MIT License