Custom Food
This page requires a basic understanding of custom items. Check out the items guide before starting!
On this page, you will learn how to create custom foods that, when consumed, grant effects to the player (like the golden apple).
Basic Item JSON
"format_version": "1.21.60",
"minecraft:item": {
"description": {
"identifier": "wiki:custom_food",
"menu_category": {
"category": "equipment",
"group": ""
"components": {
"minecraft:icon": "wiki:custom_food",
"minecraft:food": {
"nutrition": 4,
"saturation_modifier": 0.6
"minecraft:use_animation": "eat",
"minecraft:use_modifiers": {
"use_duration": 1.6,
"movement_modifier": 0.33
"minecraft:tags": {
"tags": [
"minecraft:is_meat", // Only include if the food is meat
"minecraft:is_cooked" // Only include if the food is cooked
If you already know how to place a texture in the correct path, you can skip down, but if you don't, it's not enough to simply place the texture file in the RP/textures/items
We need to create an object named wiki:custom_<thing>
in the RP/textures/item_texture.json
file of our resource pack, as in the example below.
"texture_name": "atlas.items",
"texture_data": {
"wiki:custom_food": {
"textures": "textures/items/custom_food"
Applying Effects
In order to apply effects to the player when the food is consumed, we'll need to make use of custom components.
In this tutorial, our custom component will be wiki:food_effects
. Make sure to change the namespace to something that uniquely identifies your add-on.
"minecraft:custom_components": ["wiki:food_effects"]
Custom Component Script
In the scripts file, just use a single event after using a specific item, and after using this item the player will acquire one or more effects, as in the code below.
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";
const ItemFoodEffectsComponent = {
onConsume({ itemStack, source }) {
// Check for the item that should trigger the following effects
if (itemStack.typeId === "wiki:custom_food") {
// minecraft:speed is the name of the effect.
// 100 is the duration of the effect in ticks (1 second is 20 ticks, divide by 20 to get the results in seconds).
source.addEffect("minecraft:speed", 100, {
amplifier: 2, // The effect level, starting at 1 and ending at 256.
showParticle: true, // A boolean representing whether the particles will appear or not.
world.beforeEvents.worldInitialize.subscribe(({ itemComponentRegistry }) => {
// Register the custom component for use in the item JSON file:
itemComponentRegistry.registerCustomComponent("wiki:food_effects", ItemFoodEffectsComponent);
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