


Pretty much everything evaluates to a number; if something doesn't evaluate to a number, you can use an operator to make it into one. You can basically just think of Molang as one big math equation.

An equation evaluates to true when any number except 0 is returned. When I reference returning, I'm talking about the output of an equation. There is also a return statement, but I don't usually use it, and will therefore not be talking about it.

Accessing Values

There are three main ways to access and use values in Molang (queries, variables and temp variables)

  • Queries are read only values returned by the game. You cannot set these values, only read them. (query.example_query | q.example_query)

  • Variables are read and write values that you can manipulate, these can be set and read through Molang. (variable.example_variable | v.example_variable)

    • There are also hard-coded variables which act practically the same way as queries, but can only be used in certain situations.
  • Temp. Variables are practically the same as variables, except they only exist in the current scope. (temp.example_temp | t.example_temp)

    • A "scope" can refer to the current for_each or loop or just the current expression, if it's not used within either

Handling values

  • Logical Operators can be used to convert non-numbers into 1s or 0s. These include: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

    • Example.) "q.get_equipped_item_name == 'stick'" Will evaluate to 1/true when holding a stick

    • There is also a second set of Logical Operators which can be used to 'group' values into and/or statements, often used in cases where you need multiple things to evaluate to true or just one out of many. && represents an and statement, and || represents an or statement.

      • Example.) "q.is_sneaking && q.is_using_item" Will evaluate to 1/true when sneaking and using an item
      • Example.) "q.is_sneaking || q.is_jumping" // Evaluates to 1/true when either jumping or sneaking
  • Parentheses, ( ), are also a major help when grouping values or performing math operations.

    • Example.) "q.is_sneaking && (q.get_equipped_item_name == "stick" || q.get_equipped_item_name == "diamond")" Will evaluate to 1/true when sneaking and holding either a stick or a diamond
  • Conditional Operators can be used as if/else statements.

    • A binary conditional operator refers to just using ?. When this is used, it'll output your value or 0 depending on whether the given input value is true.
      • Example.) "q.is_sneaking ? 5" Will output a 5 when sneaking, otherwise returning a 0
    • A trinary conditional operator refers to using ? and :. When this is used, it'll output one of the two given values depending on whether your given input value is true.
      • Example.) "q.is_sneaking ? 10 : 3" Will output a 10 when sneaking, otherwise returning a 3

